51% вооружений Азербайджан получает от России, 43% — от Израиля и всего 3% — от Турции...
Согласно официальной статистике, опубликованной недавно СМИ, 51% вооружений Азербайджан получает от России, 43% — от Израиля и всего 3% — от Турции. То есть, 94% оружия Баку получает от Израиля и России. Даже турки так не вооружают Азербайджан, как Израиль и власти РФ.
Чувствуете, кто больше всего заинтересован в убийствах армян, особенно карабахских? Россия и Израиль Такое ощущение, что двумя этими странами правит одна и та же сила…
Обратите внимание: Азербайджан в очень грубой форме вышвырнул российскую базу со своей территории. Более того: Баку и не скрывает, что намерен углубить отношения с НАТО — в ответ Москва объявила о полном братстве с Азербайджаном.
Грузия также вытолкала русскую базу со своей территории и на всех парусах мчится в НАТО — сейчас Москва поощряет режим льготной торговли с этой страной, мало того — направляет потоки миллионов российских туристов в Грузию, чтобы помочь еле дышащей грузинской экономике.
Армения не выгоняет русскую базу со своей земли и в НАТО особо не рвется. Более того: Ереван оплачивает половину расходов за содержание российской базы — явление неслыханное в истории всех иностранных военных баз, которые обычно сами платят за своё пребывание в чужой стране. Несмотря на это, именно армянскому народу объявил войну Кремль.
Чуете, кто на самом деле правит в России и кому выгодна армяно-русская вражда, которую сейчас активно насаждает ФСБ? Видимо, внимание русских надо отвлечь от этих нерусских "правителей" РФ и переключить его на армян, которых правящая группировка и ее зарубежные соотечественники считают своими настоящими, тысячелетними врагами и единственными соперниками на планете Земля.
Россия — наверно, единственная в мире страна, которая зарабатывает деньги на продаже друзей. Причём это не один, не два, не три, не 10 и тд случаев, это явление носит уже массовый характер. Мысленно пытаешься представить, вспомнить есть ли ещё в мире страна, которая ведёт себя подобным образом и не можешь вспомнить — только Россия, больше никто так массово даже не предает, а именно продаёт своих друзей и сторонников.
Ни США, ни Англия ни Франция, ни Германия, ни кто-либо ещё так себя в Армении не ведёт. Все армяне, которые лет 30 работали в структурах этих стран в РА, работают до сих пор — никто никого не предавал, не продавал, не обобрал, все тихо-мирно работают во имя их общих идей.
Другое дело Россия: как правило, все армяне, работавшие в российских структурах в РА, или ограблены, или "кинуты", или преданы или брошены в тюрьмы. Если кого-то власти РФ ещё не продали, значит покупателя пока нет, как найдётся, даже не сомневайтесь: продадут, даже не моргнув.
Вот поэтому Москва терпит один разгром за другим — от Прибалтики и Молдовы до Грузии и Армении. Везде одна и та же картина: воровство, грабежи, скандалы, предательство, ножи в спину, причём в спину своим. Естественно, что такая страна будет проигрывать и дальше.
Известный благотворитель Левон Айрапетян, замученный в российской тюрьме по надуманному обвинению — пожалуй, самый вопиющий случай: мало кто из русских так помогал России и ее народу, как он, и посмотрите как с ним обошлась Москва. Что самое поразительное: власти РФ как будто и не замечают тысяч статей и публикаций об этом скотстве, хотя по закону обязаны реагировать на них. О чем это говорит? Это говорит о том, что приказ о расправе над армянами, особенно друзьями РФ, исходит от властей РФ. Другого объяснения этой подлости, этому кретинизму просто нет…
Властям России, скажем, через МИД РФ, вообще пора распространить прейскурант продажи друзей — ну, чтоб все знали, как, почем и через какое время Россия обычно продаёт друзей. К примеру, старые друзья, как Армения, Иран или Сербия, стоят столько-то, новые друзья, как Турция или Азербайджан — столько-то. Чтобы не было путаницы и народы знали, как, сколько и когда Москва продаёт союзников и друзей. А то неудобно как-то: люди верой и правдой служат России как Левон Айрапетян или Фахраддин Абосзода, ничего не знают, ни о чем не ведают, оказывают РФ такие услуги, которые даже Александру Невскому не снились и вдруг - бац! - Москва продаёт их врагам, в самое неудобное время, ни о чем не предупредив…
Русский эксперт Юрий Котёнок уверен, что Россией правит кучка торгашей, которая ведет страну к пропасти. Вот что он пишет: "Турция уже и не скрывает, что нацелилась на Крым и наше Поволжье. Проблема тут, разумеется не в турках, а в нас. Потому что с идеологией «купи-продай», дружбы со всеми подряд, продажи оружия своим потенциальным противникам мы далеко не уйдем. С такой идеологией у нас скоро вообще не останется пространства для маневра. Надо быть слепым, чтобы не видеть этого".
Точнее просто не скажешь...
В Москве любят повторять, что "Россия своих не бросает". Это действительно так - Россия и впрямь своих не бросает. Зачем бросать, если можно выгодно продать?..
Еще 3 миллиарда 470 миллионов долларов Баку заплатил армянским политикам за поражение армянской стороны во Второй Арцахской войне. Об этом армянским СМИ заявил президент Российской академии геополитических проблем Араик Саркисян.
Президент Российской академии геополитических проблем Араик Саркисян выступил на днях с сенсационным заявлением о том, что Азербайджан заплатил властям России около 10 миллиардов долларов за Карабах и предательство в отношении "своей союзницы" - Армении. Более того: господин Саркисян, считающийся одним из серьезных и авторитетных экспертов РФ, подчеркнул, что "мы поименно знаем всех тех чиновников в Кремле, кто получает от турков и азербайджанцев деньги, знаем, сколько получают и откуда получают". Несмотря на это, по сути, официальное сообщение о преступлении, Генеральная прокуратура Российской Федерации и другие правоохранительные органы РФ, поднаторевшие в преследовании лиц армянской национальности, хранят глухое молчание. Любопытно, не правда ли? Так и хочется спросить, вспомнив русскую народную поговорку: на воре шапка горит?
Араик Саркисян: "Турецко-азербайджанское лобби просто скупает российских чиновников в Кремле - грубо, деньгами. Мы поименно знаем тех, кто получает деньги, сколько получает и откуда получает. Русские сами не знают, что с ними будет лет через 5 лет. Мы знаем, что Путин серьезно болен и скоро уйдет. Большее сказать не могу".
Подробности - в видеосюжете:
The president of the Russian Academy of Geopolitical Problems, Araik Sargsyan, recently made a sensational statement that Azerbaijan paid the Russian authorities about $ 10 billion for the betrayal of Karabakh and "its ally" - Armenia. Moreover, Mr. Sargsyan, who has a reputation as a serious and authoritative expert, stressed that "we recognize by name all those Kremlin officials who receive money from the Turks and Azerbaijanis, we know how much they receive and where they get it from". Despite this, in fact, the official report of the crime, The Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation and other law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation, specializing in the persecution of Armenians, keep a deaf silence. Interesting, isn't it? It is appropriate to recall the Russian folk proverb: "A thief always gives himself away"...
Baku paid another 3 billion 470 million dollars to Armenian politicians for the defeat of the Armenian side in the Second Artsakh War. This was stated by the chairman of the Russian Academy of Geopolitical Problems Araik Sargsyan to the Armenian media.
For more information, see the video:
Araik Sargsyan: "The Turkish-Azerbaijani lobby is simply buying up Russian officials in the Kremlin roughly, with money. We know by name who gets the money, how much they get and where they get it from. The Russians themselves do not know what will happen to them in 5 years. We know that Putin is seriously ill and will leave soon. I can't say more than that".
Will the Russian
Federation have allies if war breaks out?
its history, Russia has always been directly or indirectly under external
pressure. However, now the attack is coming from almost all sides and on all
fronts: political, informational, economic and financial pressure. Except for
the military confrontation - for now. Russia's military might does not allow
bringing the conflict into an armed confrontation. In fact, the only thing that
keeps Russia from a bloodbath is the army, navy and nuclear forces.
A lot has
changed since the Caribbean episode. Then, in fact, the conflict was focal,
temporary and was reduced to a fundamental misunderstanding of the boundaries
of pressure between the USSR and the USA, other participants were not involved
in the process. But now Russia is under pressure not only from the United
States, but also from countries that collectively provide more than half of the
world's GDP. The balance of power has been seriously transformed.
threats currently pose a much bigger problem for Russia than anything that
happened to the USSR after 1945. It is more correct to say that the front has
never been so exposed in the post-war period, and foreign policy problems are
so prominent.
Let's be
aware that during the geopolitical confrontation between the USSR and the USA
in the period from 1945 to 1990, the strategic balance of power in the world
was fundamentally different.
At that
time, the entire territory of Eastern Europe was under the sphere of influence
of the USSR - from Austria/Germany, the Middle East - by 70% (including Afghanistan,
Iran, Iraq and, most importantly, Yemen), almost complete domination in the
Mediterranean Sea (Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Syria), control in Asia and important
strategic bases in Vietnam. Then all fronts were covered, attacks of all kinds
and types could be repelled by preventive suppression measures. The cover of
the fronts was so large-scale that a breakthrough was impossible even
theoretically, under no circumstances. It was a 100 percent defense
In the
orbit of the influence of the USSR there were almost 2/3 of the world's
population, up to half of the world's GDP (at that time) and the same amount of
terrestrial land. It was a powerful empire that had full sovereignty and a
clear understanding of priorities and development vectors.
What do we
have now? Nothing. We do not have a single strategic ally in the world, that
is, none at all, absolutely ringing emptiness!
explain what we mean by a strategic ally. To understand the structure, three
levels of allied relations can be distinguished (with an example for Russia).
The first
level. Allies who are guaranteed to enter into an armed conflict on the side of
Russia and will defend the interests of the Russian Federation in the
international arena, even if it contradicts their own interests, economic
expediency and even security issues.
The second
level. Allies who will be ready to provide material, financial or political
assistance to Russia in the event of an aggravation of the situation or a
critical situation of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the second-tier
countries are not ready to infringe on their own interests for the sake of
Russia and will not enter the war on the side of the Russian Federation as long
as it does not directly concern them.
The third
level. Allies who remain neutral with Russia and will not assist its enemies in
the event of a war against the Russian Federation. That is, these are countries
that will not fight against Russia, but at the same time are not ready to fight
together with the Russian Federation. The third-level allies retain full
autonomy in relation to Russia and are not ready to infringe on their own
interests for the sake of Moscow.
Who is
Russia's third-level ally? China, India, Vietnam, North Korea, Mongolia,
Algeria, Syria, Iran, Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Chile, Cuba.
As for the
CIS countries, this is a big question. The current crisis has clearly shown
that we are in some way on different sides of the barricades, that is, none of
the CIS countries is a first-level ally for Russia. In the event of an
unlikely, even hypothetical conflict between NATO and Russia, even the
participation of Belarus on the side of Russia is questionable. Belarus will
not fight against the Russian Federation (as long as Lukashenka is there), but
the full-fledged assistance of Belarus on the side of Russia is a debatable
issue, there are no guarantees, including, given the mass of unfriendly and
aggressive gestures of Lukashenka towards the Russian Federation.
How is the
US doing? The United States has virtually the whole world as a third-level
ally, except for North Korea, Cuba (historically), Venezuela and some countries
where pro-American structures are actively fighting (Syria, Yemen). Despite the
fact that the United States loves few places, they managed to retain political
influence and dominance in all key regions of the world. Even China can be
considered a third-level ally of the United States, if only for the reason that
the United States is China's main trading partner, and American investments in
China are in the first place. Plus, China holds over 1.2 trillion. gold-foreign
exchange reserves in US securities.
the fact that Beijing is Washington's number one geopolitical opponent due to
its expansion, both economic and financial, but it retains complete neutrality
with the United States, at least for now. Another reason why we have included
China as a third-level ally is that China will not fight against the United
States (at least in the next 7-10 years). China is ideologically closer to
Russia and will never be a partner of the United States in the political or
military arena (will not fight for the United States), but the economic and
financial ties between China and the United States are too strong to pretend
that they do not exist.
the first-level US allies? They have been decrypted in recent years. These are
all EU countries + Norway + Sweden + Switzerland + Japan + Canada + Australia,
Ukraine has also been added. Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the UAE and Kuwait
should also be taken into account here.
In the
orbit of the US influence are all the key countries where technology,
production facilities, financial resources and economic power are located. If
necessary, the United States can mobilize the controlled regions in such a way
that they will be stuffed with weapons, which will devalue the entire military
power of Russia. No matter how many tanks Russia produces, the production,
financial and economic capabilities of pro-American countries are
significantly, many times higher. Yes, now, from a military point of view, the
balance of power between Russia and European countries (without the USA) is
near parity, but this calculation does not take into account the mobilization
capabilities of Germany. Let them be armed with a miserable hundred tanks, but
if necessary, they can be stuffed with thousands.
With the
exception of blitzkrieg or the use of weapons of mass destruction, we have no
realistic chance of confrontation with the United States and its allies, even
from a military point of view. There is no chance at all - until a pool of
strong allies gets into the orbit of Russia's influence. They have superiority
in human resources, industrial, financial and economic. They control
technologies and all raw materials channels (for this, the United States has
expanded into the Middle East).
Hitler attacked the USSR, the strategic balance of power in comparison with the
current one was in favor of that period, that is, it is much worse now.
We have
lost all our friends and partners. How? Yes, simply because after the collapse
of the USSR, Russia betrayed all its allies. Always!
No one
wants to be friends with Russia, because Russia in the eyes of the world
community is a technologically backward nonentity with an anti-people oligarchic
form of government, which at the same time betrays all its allies.
Apart from
the shameful flight at the beginning of the 21st century from military bases in
Cuba and Vietnam, we completely missed the dominance in the Mediterranean Sea
and the Middle East.
We kept
Iraq in our sphere of influence. But they passed it twice. In 1991 and 2003.
If the surrender of 1991 was justified by the collapse of the USSR (it was not
up to Iraq), then the surrender in 2003 once again showed that we have
absolutely no control and are not going to control our external influence on
the world stage.
We turned
in our friends in Libya in 2011. Indicative and cynical. So much so that one of
our most loyal African friends was forced to fight back somewhere in the sewers
of Sirte and beaten to death by a wild native audience. In the end, in the fall
of 2011, the Russian Foreign Ministry accepted the new government of Libya,
which was unfriendly to the Russian Federation, as legal and the flag of the
Transitional National Council of Libya (at that time) proudly flaunted above
the Libyan embassy in Moscow. Shame on you.
We lost
leverage over Egypt at the time of the tsunami of color revolutions during the
Arab Spring. This washed out any previous political levers from Egypt, making
the Egyptian authorities far from being as favorably disposed towards Russia as
during the Mubarak period.
We turned
in our friends in Syria. And there was a multi-pass. At first it seemed that
this was Russia's biggest geopolitical victory in the 21st century, when we
managed to deflect the blow of the "progressive community" against
Syria through a resolution on the forced chemical disarmament of Damascus in
exchange for refusing to invade Syria and reducing the degree of tension.
This is a separate topic, it will not work in any way, alas. But also with
Syria. They said "A" without intending to say "B".
operation to take the Crimea was really brilliant, without any sarcasm. And so
brilliant that it discouraged NATO, the Pentagon, the CIA. No one expected such
speed and such speed. Swiftly, decisively, boldly, aggressively, but at the
same time extremely clean and correct.
This will
go down in all historical textbooks as the fastest operation to annex such a
large territory in a short period (less than 3 weeks) without armed conflict
under external pressure (in the absence of political agreements). This
increased the morale and morale of the army, the patriotic mood in Russia, led
to the unity of the people and the consolidation of the elites. Political will
and determination have led to an exceptionally positive result. This is
definitely a victory!
But Crimea
was followed by an almost complete failure of Russia's foreign policy on
Ukraine. However, this is a topic of another conversation.
What do we
have in the end?
absence of strategic allies of the first and even second level. A bare front.
The opponent takes Russia in his claws. A rival at the borders (the creation of
a NATO shock lever in the Baltic States), increased hostility and Russophobia
in the Baltic States and Poland. The creation of an architecture of an
exclusively hostile structure to Russia with a population of 40 million for the
purpose of pitting two previously fraternal peoples and unleashing a war of
annihilation. Increased informational, political, economic and financial
pressure on Russia from countries that form more than half of the world's GDP.
What is
this but a complete failure of Russia's foreign policy?
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