понедельник, 7 июня 2021 г.



В недалеком прошлом Никол Пашинян одним из первых поднимал вопрос Ваграма Агаджаняна. Но придя к власти, он почему-то пошел по пути Сержа Саркисяна, Аркадия Гукасяна, Бако Саакяна и прочих ставленников иностранных служб, преследовавших независимую прессу. Как и "бывшие", Пашинян и его единомышленник, президент НКР Араик Арутюнян сегодня запрещают Ваграму Агаджаняну заниматься журналистикой - ходят слухи, что таков приказ, поступивший из Москвы, в частности, от ФСБ РФ...

До начала террористической войны против Арцаха (Карабаха) и всего армянского народа, подготовленной совместными усилиями властей России, Израиля, Азербайджана и Турции, спецслужбы России, в первую очередь Федеральная Служба Безопасности (ФСБ), приняли меры против самых опасных на ее взгляд армянских газет, которые могли помешать осуществлению известных антиармянских программ властей РФ.

Первый удар пришелся по независимой армянской газете "Третья Сила Плюс", открытой по совместной инициативе известного карабахского мецената Левона Айрапетяна и карабахского журналиста Ваграма Агаджаняна. Финансовые средства газеты самым бандитским образом были попросту украдены со стороны представителей ФСБ РФ (подробности - ниже).

Второй удар пришелся по самой старинной армянской газете России - "Юсисапайлу". Чтобы наши читатели и коллеги из других СМИ поняли, о каком издании идет речь, напомним, что активными авторами «Юсисапайла» в свое время были великие армянские писатели и поэты — Раффи, Микаэл Налбандян, Газарос Агаян, Рафаел Патканян, Смбат Шах-Азиз и другие армянские корифеи.  

Обе газеты до сих пор закрыты: власти России так боятся их публикаций, что даже мысль о возобновлении деятельности "Третьей Силы Плюс" и "Юсисапайла" вызывает у них истерику.  

Об этой позорной ситуации, естественно, прекрасно осведомлен премьер-министр Армении Никол Пашинян. В свое время Пашинян одним из первых поднимал вопрос Ваграма Агаджаняна, его газета "Айкакан жаманак" не раз  посвящала этой теме разные статьи 

Но сейчас Пашинян хранит "загадочное" молчанието ли Москва запрещает ему защищать права армянских журналистов в РА, НК и диаспоре, то ли есть другие обстоятельства, известные только Кремлю и посольству двух государств в Ереване. 

"Естественно", молчит и президент Карабаха Араик Арутюнян, который, как шутят карабахцы, даже спать не ложится без приказа ФСБ России и Никола Пашиняна. Этот честно выслеживает каждый шаг Ваграма Агаджаняна и исправно доносит о них в ФСБ и Ереван - через спецслужбы Карабаха. 

Отметим, что незаконно закрытая газета зарегистрирована на территории Республики Армения, в столице РА – Ереване, в полном соответствии с требованиями армянского законодательства (номер свидетельства госрегистра 031077336, выдано 17.09.2007 г.). Коллектив издания укомплектован преимущественно из граждан Армении и Нагорного Карабаха.

В ближайшее время "ТСП" выступит с новыми сообщениями для наших читателей и коллег из других СМИ. 

"Редакция "ТСП"




После ввода в регион "миротворческого" контингента РФ Нагорный Карабах постепенно обретает контуры глухой российской провинции со всеми ее  традициями и антигуманным отношением особенно к армянскому населению. С помощью президента Карабаха"Араика Арутюняна власти России начали настоящую войну против граждан армянской национальности, откровенно формируя в древнеармянском крае настоящую хунту. Москва приступила к тотальному и грубому нарушению прав армян Карабаха.

Прежде всего, граждан НК лишают возможности своевременно получать их жалкие зарплаты и пенсии - эти гроши, как и прежде, выплачивают с большими задержками. 

Практически ежедневно армян лишают электричества, причем на 4-10 часов. Свет, по сути, отключают внезапно, что приводит к порче бытовой электротехники, которую граждане не могут приобрести из-за экономического террора, организованного ставленниками Москвы в крае. 

Продолжается уничтожение древнеармянских памятников, осуществляемых варварами под равнодушным взором российских "миротворцев". 

Но особую ненависть власти России и их ставленники в карабахских госструктурах питают к независимой прессе, к свободному слову, свободным СМИ. Они в Нагорном Карабахе уничтожены уже, как говорится, на корню. Последним таким "островком" была независимая газета "Третья Сила Плюс", которую нагло обворовали чиновники из Федеральной Службы Безопасности (ФСБ) России, в результате чего газета вынуждена была приостановить свою деятельность. Борьба коллектива издания продолжается по сей день. Но власти России, прикрывая преступника из госструктур РФ, не возвращают армянским журналистам украденные сбережения. 


Даже вор признал свою вину и раскаялся, но руководство ФСБ не торопится восстановить законность в деле армянской газеты…

Директор ФСБ Александр Бортников пока не вернул армянским журналистам их сбережения, без какого-либо объяснения изъятые из московского "Альфа банка".

Подполковник ФСБ Вадим Поздышев, укравший финансовые сбережения армянской газеты "Третья Сила Плюс" ("ТСП") и уволенный из ФСБ за это преступление, готов извиниться перед коллективом армянского издания. Об этом он сообщил в своем письме главному редактору "ТСП" Ваграму Агаджаняну. 

Представитель ФСБ заявил, что в его ведомстве началась настоящая война между враждующими кланами, которые пытаются опорочить друг друга перед руководством и, судя по всему, перед Администрацией президента Путина. По его словам, кража финансовых средств армянских журналистов – результат деятельности враждующих группировок в ФСБ. 

В нынешней России, со слов подполковника ФСБ, цитируем, "бездарные сынки высокопоставленных чиновников вытесняют таких как он профессионалов", из-за чего страдает вся деятельность этого ведомства. Своей вины в случившемся он не отрицает и готов извиниться перед всем коллективом издания. 

Главный редактор "ТСП" пристыдил подполковника ФСБ, призвал его не впутывать журналистов во внутриведомственную грызню в ФСБ и потребовал немедленно вернуть украденные у журналистов средства. 

Как ни странно, в этом противостоянии руководство ФСБ поддержало не газету, а... подполковника ФСБ, которого сама же уволила за хищение газетных средств. Они по-прежнему не возвращены журналистам. 

Даже вор раскаялся и признал свою вину, но руководство ФСБ не торопится восстановить законность в деле армянской газеты...



Семья преступника, укравшего сбережения журналистов, поддержала... ограбленных!
Беспрецедентная ситуация, сложившаяся вокруг русскоязычной армянской газеты "Третья Сила Плюс" ("ТСП"), незаконно закрытой усилиями ФСБ РФ, продолжает обостряться. Как известно, значительная часть финансовых средств армянского издания, хранившаяся в московском "Альфа-банке", без всякого официального или неофициального объяснения была незаконно присвоена со стороны ФСБ, в результате чего независимая армянская газета вынуждена была приостановить свою деятельность. 

Подполковник ФСБ Вадим Поздышев, укравший журналистские сбережения, явно взят под покровительство некоторыми структурами этого ведомства, хотя вина его в этом преступлении доказана многократно. Причем доказана до такой степени, что сама ФСБ вынуждена была спешно уволить его со службы и трудоустроить своего проворовавшегося офицера в московской компании RBE GROUP (начальником аналитического отдела). Об этом "ТСП" сообщили домочадцы Поздышева - граждане России, которые сами потрясены незаконными действиями своего родственника и полностью поддерживают справедливые требования коллектива армянской газеты. 
Выясняются новые подробности гнусной расправы, устроенной властями России над армянскими журналистами. Вот что рассказывает живущая в Москве родственница подполковника ФСБ - Елена Затонская, тоже гражданка РФ: "Однажды он явился к нам домой с большой суммой денег - порядка 5 миллионов рублей. На мой вопрос "Что это?", он сказал, что "Это деньги армян" и очень боялся обыска. Я призвала его немедленно отправить эти суммы журналистам. Он что-то невнятно пробормотал и, как я поняла, так и не выслал их по адресу. Спустя некоторое время его уволили из ФСБ за присвоение журналистских средств. Непосредственная начальница Поздышева в ФСБ - Гусева Елена Александровна - направила ему уведомление с приказом не выезжать за пределы Российской Федерации - то ли до 2015-го, то ли до 2017-го года". 

Госпожа Затонская в своем письме в редакцию "ТСП" призвала армянских журналистов обратиться к руководству ФСБ с призывом вернуть украденные газетные сбережения и выразила готовность оказать содействие в восстановлении справедливости и законности в этом позорном деле . Требования армянских журналистов настолько справедливы, а беззаконие по отношению к газете настолько беспрецедентно, что московские родственники вора - честные, порядочные граждане России - сами готовы отнести письма с протестом в ФСБ и другие госструктуры РФ.
Фактов по делу "ТСП" так много, что справиться с его раскрытием в силах любой провинциальный участковый. Сохранились даже письменные свидетельства самого преступника о воровстве (аж на 21-й странице). Есть и другие, более важные документы. Более того: число доказательств преступления продолжает расти. И поступают они порой... даже от сотрудников самой ФСБ. Выясняется, что о скандале вокруг закрытия "ТСП" проинформированы отделения ФСБ практически всех регионов России. Родственник одного из офицеров-армян, служивших в ФСБ, на условиях анонимности сообщил московским и тюменским источникам "ТСП", что "шум в Конторе очень большой" и "по армянским деньгам уже возникает много вопросов". Многие офицеры в недоумениипочему Бортников (Директор ФСБ - авт.)  предпочитает "пачкать погоны из-за одного проколовшегося отщепенца" и "воевать из-за него с журналистами"? По некоторым сведениям, прикрывают вора не только в руководстве ФСБ, но и его родственники в правящей партии "Единая Россия". 

Но и это не все. Недавно в адрес главного редактора "ТСП" и журналистов издания поступило письмо от одного из высокопоставленных чиновников РФ, готовившего аналитические справки для Совета Безопасности России и в последнее время сменившего профиль своей деятельности. Зовут его Николай Романович Димлевич. Говорят, позже он был включен в рабочую группу Комитета по вопросам СНГ Госдумы РФ и иногда выступал в российском парламенте с докладами на тему, скажем, "Взаимоотношение РФ со странами СНГ в контексте "цветных революций", энергетических и иных проектов". Николаю Димлевичу звонят и из администрации президента РФ примерно по этим же проблемам, поскольку он считается профессионалом в вопросах геополитики. 

Вниманию читателей представляем фрагмент его письма, адресованного главному редактору "ТСП" и сотрудникам издания: "Уважаемый Ваграм! Я искренне надеюсь, что Вам удастся добиться справедливости, хотя, как Вы понимаете, это довольно сложно. В любом случае, я желаю вам победы. По моим сведениям, В.П. (Вадим Поздышев - авт.) уволен (из ФСБ) летом 2011 года. Его коллеги вряд ли будут выносить "сор из избы". Единственное, что вы можете сделать, это представить документы непосредственно на имя Директора того ведомства, где служил В.П. Обратиться к Директору проще простого. Есть несколько путей: через электронную почту на сайт (там и адрес есть в Москве), заказным письмом из своей страны, можно лично приехать и через приемную Директора (она находится на улице Кузнецкий мост) ПОД РАСПИСКУ(!!!) вручить пакет, где указать кому, от кого и по какому вопросу. Срок рассмотрения - 30 суток. Справедливость должна восторжествовать, а Зло - обязательно наказано. Вы - люди чести и я желаю вам удачи, успехов и веры. С искренним уважением Николай Димлевич". 

Редакция армянской газеты, закрытой усилиями властей России, последовала совету г-на Димлевича и отправила Директору ФСБ часть доказательств преступления, в том числе и письменные свидетельства самого вора о краже журналистских средств. В ответ поступило сообщение пресс-службы ФСБ о том, что "ФСБ прекращает переписку". Без всяких объяснений и реакции на факт преступления. 

Видимо, армянин в России всегда виноват, даже если он трижды честен, трижды невиновен, а преступник из ФСБ...

Главный редактор "ТСП"



In the recent past, Nikol Pashinyan was one of the first to raise the issue of Vahram Aghajanyan. But when he came to power, for some reason he followed the path of Serge Sargsyan, Arkady Ghukasyan, Bako Sahakyan and other henchmen of foreign intelligence services who persecuted the independent press. Like the "exes", Pashinyan and his like-minded NKR President Araik Harutyunyan today forbid Vahram Aghajanyan to engage in journalism - there are rumors that this is an order received from Moscow, in particular, from the FSS of the Russian Federation...

Prior to the outbreak of the terrorist war against Artsakh (Karabakh) and the entire Armenian people, prepared by the joint efforts of the authorities of Russia, Israel, Azerbaijan and Turkey, the special services of Russia, primarily the Federal Security Service (FSS), took measures against the most dangerous, in her opinion, Armenian newspapers that could interfere with the implementation of the well-known anti-Armenian programs of the Russian authorities.

The first blow fell on the independent Armenian newspaper "Third Force Plus", opened on the joint initiative of the famous Karabakh philanthropist Levon Hayrapetyan and Karabakh journalist Vahram Aghajanyan. The financial resources of the newspaper were simply stolen in the most bandit way by representatives of the FSB of the Russian Federation (details below).

The second blow fell on the oldest Armenian newspaper in Russia - "Husisapail". In order for our readers and colleagues from other media to understand which publication we are talking about, we remind you that the active authors of "Husisapail" at one time were great Armenian writers and poets - Raffi, Mikael Nalbandian, Gazaros Aghayan, Raphael Patkanian, Smbat Shah-Aziz and other Armenian luminaries,

(for details, follow the link:  : https://husisapail.wordpress.com/2019/08/20/%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%B0%D0%BA%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%8F-%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%BC%D1%8F%D0%BD%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B9-%D0%B3%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%B5%D1%82%D1%8B-%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%82%D1%8C%D1%8F-%D1%81%D0%B8%D0%BB/#more-26957).).

Both newspapers are still closed: the Russian authorities are so afraid of their publications that even the thought of resuming the activities of "Third Force Plus" and "Husisapail" causes them hysteria.

Of course, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan is well aware of this shameful situation. At that time, Pashinyan was one of the first to raise the issue of Vahram Aghajanyan, his newspaper "Haykakan Zhamanak" repeatedly devoted various articles to this topic

(link: Nikol Pashinyan was the first to raise the issue of Vahram Aghajanyan;


But now Pashinyan keeps a "mysterious" silence: either Moscow forbids him to defend the rights of Armenian journalists in Armenia, Nagorno-Karabakh and the Diaspora, or there are other circumstances known only to the Kremlin and the embassy of the two states in Yerevan.

"Naturally," the President of Karabakh, Araik Harutyunyan, is also silent, who, as the Karabakh people joke, does not even go to bed without an order from the FSS of Russia and Nikol Pashinyan. This one honestly tracks every step of Vahram Aghajanyan and regularly reports on them to the FSS and Yerevan - through the special services of Karabakh.

It should be noted that the illegally closed newspaper is registered on the territory of the Republic of Armenia, in the capital of Armenia – Yerevan, in full compliance with the requirements of Armenian legislation (certificate number of the state register 031077336, issued on 17.09.2007). The staff of the publication is staffed mainly from citizens of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh.

In the near future, "TFP: will transmit new messages to our readers and colleagues from other media.

"TFP Editorial Board




After the introduction of the "peacekeeping" contingent of the Russian Federation into the region, Nagorno-Karabakh gradually acquires the contours of a remote Russian province with all its traditions and inhumane attitude, especially towards the Armenian population. With the help of Karabakh President"Araik Harutyunyan, the Russian authorities launched a real war against citizens of Armenian nationality, openly forming a real junta in the ancient Armenian region. Moscow has started a total and gross violation of the rights of the Armenians of Karabakh.

First of all, NK citizens are deprived of the opportunity to receive their miserable salaries and pensions in a timely manner - these pennies, as before, are paid with great delays.

Armenians are deprived of electricity almost every day, and for 4-10 hours. The lights, in fact, are turned off suddenly, which leads to damage to household electrical equipment, which citizens cannot purchase because of the economic terror organized by Moscow's henchmen in the region.

The destruction of ancient Armenian monuments carried out by barbarians under the indifferent gaze of Russian "peacemakers" continues.

But the Russian authorities and their henchmen in the Karabakh state structures have a special hatred for the independent press, for free speech, free media. They have already been destroyed in Nagorno-Karabakh, as they say, in the bud. The last such "island" was the independent newspaper "Third Force Plus", which was brazenly robbed by officials from the Federal Security Service (FSB) of Russia, as a result of which the newspaper was forced to suspend its activities. The struggle of the publication's staff continues to this day. But the Russian authorities, covering up a criminal from the state structures of the Russian Federation, do not return the stolen savings to Armenian journalists.



Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSS) has clearly received orders from the Kremlin to pursue Armenians, especially Karabakh Armenians

The unprecedented situation that has developed around the independent Armenian newspaper "Third Force Plus" ("TFP"), which was illegally closed by the efforts of Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan and the Federal Security Service (FSS) of the Russian Federation, continues to escalate. The newspaper was opened on the joint initiative of the famous Moscow philanthropist Levon Hayrapetyan, who tragically died recently in the Mordovian prison of the Russian Federation, and the Karabakh journalist Vahram Aghajanyan.
As you know, a significant part of the financial resources of the Armenian edition, stored in the Moscow "Alfa-Bank", without any official or unofficial explanation, was illegally appropriated by the FSS, as a result of which the newspaper was forced to suspend its activities. FSS Lieutenant Colonel Vadim Pozdyshev, who stole journalistic savings, is clearly taken under the protection of the leadership of this department, although his guilt in this crime has been proven many times. Moreover, it was proved to such an extent that the FSS itself was forced to hastily dismiss him from the service and, covering its tracks, employ its stolen officer in the Moscow company RBE GROUP (head of the analytical department). This was reported to "TFP" by Pozdyshev's household — citizens of Russia, who themselves are shocked by the illegal actions of their relative and fully support the fair demands of the staff of the Armenian newspaper.
New details of the heinous massacre of Armenian journalists by the authorities are being revealed. Here is what a relative of the FSS lieutenant colonel living in Moscow, Elena Zatonskaya, also a citizen of the Russian Federation, says: "One day he came to our house with a large sum of money. To my question "What is it?", he said that "It is Armenian money" and was very afraid of a search. I urged him to immediately send these amounts to journalists. He mumbled something unintelligible and, as I understood, never sent them to the address. Some time later, he was dismissed from the FSS for embezzling journalistic funds. Pozdyshev's immediate superior in the FSS, Elena Guseva, sent him a notification with an order not to leave the Russian Federation-either until 2015, or until 2017".
Ms. Zatonskaya, in her letter to the "TFP" editorial office, called on Armenian journalists to appeal to the FSS leadership to return the stolen newspaper savings and expressed her readiness to assist in restoring justice and legality in this shameful case. The demands of the Armenian journalists are so fair, and the lawlessness towards the newspaper is so unprecedented, that the Moscow relatives of the thief-honest, decent citizens of Russia - are themselves ready to take letters of protest to the FSS and other state structures of the Russian Federation.
There are so many facts in the case of "TFP" that any provincial district police officer can cope with its disclosure. Even the written evidence of the criminal himself about the theft has been preserved (already on page 21). There are other, more important documents. Moreover, the number of evidence of the crime continues to grow. And they sometimes come... even from employees of the FSS itself.
It turns out that the FSS offices of almost all regions of Russia have been informed about the scandal surrounding the closure of "TFP".
A relative of one of the Armenian officers who served in the FSS, on condition of anonymity, told "TFP" Moscow and Tyumen sources that "the noise in the Office is very big" and "there are already many questions about Armenian money." Many officers are at a loss: why does Bortnikov (Director of the FSB — auth.) prefer to "dirty the shoulder straps because of one punctured renegade" and "fight with journalists because of him"? According to some reports, the thief is covered not only in the leadership of the FSS, but also by his relatives in the ruling United Russia party.
But that's not all. Recently, the editor-in-chief of "TFP" and the journalists of the publication received a letter from one of the high-ranking officials of the Russian Federation, who prepared analytical reports for the Russian Security Council and recently changed the profile of his activities. His name is Nikolai Romanovich Dimlevich. Later, he was included in the working group of the Committee on CIS Issues of the State Duma of the Russian Federation and sometimes spoke in the Russian Parliament on the topic, for example, "The relationship of the Russian Federation with the CIS countries in the context of "color revolutions", energy and other projects." Nikolai Dimlevich also receives calls from the Russian presidential administration about the same issues, since he is considered a professional in matters of geopolitics.
To the readers 'attention, we present a fragment of his letter addressed to the editor-in-chief of TSP and the staff of the publication: "Dear Vagram! I sincerely hope that you will be able to achieve justice, although, as you know, it is quite difficult. In any case, I wish you victory. According to my information, V. P. (Vadim Pozdyshev — auth.) was dismissed (from the FSS) in the summer of 2011. His colleagues are unlikely to take out "trash from the hut". The only thing you can do is to submit the documents directly to the Director of the department where V. P. served. It is easy to contact the Director. There are several ways: via e-mail to the site (there is also an address in Moscow), by registered mail from your country, you can personally come through the reception of the Director (it is located on Kuznetsky Most Street) UNDER THE RECEIPT(!!!) hand over the package, where to specify to whom, from whom and on what issue. The review period is 30 days. Justice must prevail, and Evil must be punished. You are people of honor and I wish you good luck, success and faith. With sincere respect, Nikolai Dimlevich".
The editorial office of the Armenian newspaper, which was closed by the efforts of the Russian authorities, followed the advice of Mr. Dimlevich and sent the FSS Director Mr. Bortnikov some of the evidence of the crime, including written evidence of the thief himself about the theft of journalistic funds. In response, the press service of the FSB reported that " the FSS stops correspondence." Without any explanation or reaction to the fact of the crime.



REFERENCE. The independent Armenian newspaper "Third Force Plus" was created on the joint initiative of the Karabakh philanthropist Levon Hayrapetyan and the Karabakh journalist Vahram Aghajanyan. 3.5 years after its opening, the newspaper was illegally closed by the efforts of former President Serzh Sargsyan and his son-in-law Mikael Minasyan, who were initially hostile to the independent Armenian publication. Closed "thinly" - through the FSS of the Russian Federation. Violating every conceivable norm of the legislation of their own country, the FSS illegally seized the financial resources of the publication, stored in the Moscow Alfa-Bank, away from Serge Sarkisyan. Using his connections in the FSS, the ex-President of Armenia managed to close the Armenian publication.
The FSS officer who stole the funds of the Armenian newspaper was dismissed and expelled from the FSS, but the leadership of this department does not return the savings to the Armenian journalists, as a result of which the newspaper suspended its activities.
According to the updated information, the Russian special services, especially the FSS, received an order from the leadership of their countries to begin the fight against the Karabakh Armenians. The representative of the Russian President, Sergey Markov, said in Baku that the Karabakh issue is the only issue on which Russia and its foreign partners generally have no differences. In other words, a real secret war has been declared against the Armenians of Artsakh, and in fact against the entire Armenian people, but in such a way that the disoriented Armenian public will not guess about it. Before the September war of 2020, the same S. Markov said in the capital of Azerbaijan that soon such "clever internal political events" will begin in Armenia and NK, which will eventually lead to the surrender of territories to Azerbaijan. According to him, it is in this direction that many anti - Karabakh events of recent months should be considered-regardless of political likes and dislikes…


Lev Roitman: "In the case of Vahram Aghajanyan it is difficult to talk about any legality - this is typical Stalinism"

Nagorno-Karabakh: the case of Vahram Aghajanyan - Round table discussion on Radio Liberty"
"The trial of Vahram Aghajanyan is a very strange legal procedure for a civilized society, it is a typical relic of the Stalinist criminal procedure law. Agajanyan's guilt was not proved, it was as if a priori established. That is, the principle of the presumption of innocence did not apply to him. Since, according to the available information, there was nothing else in the case, except for its article and the search report, of course, except for the indictment, on the basis of which the verdict was passed. The very tactics of the Karabakh law enforcement agencies are so Soviet that it is difficult to speak of any semblance of legality in the Aghajanyan case. And before the court, the journalist was shackled, handcuffed and shaved bald.
What does the Vahram Aghajanyan case symbolize? Is this an attempt to silence the free press as such? Is this an attempt by a certain layer of the Armenian bureaucracy, the highest officials, to put themselves, in fact, outside of criticism, outside of the legal field? This is an attempt to let you know that no one will get hurt for speaking out against this stratum that currently rules in Nagorno-Karabakh?"



Mark Grigoryan: "Vahram Aghajanyan is a excellent journalist and a very worthy person"

"The Vahram case somehow managed to unite literally everyone. I know of no other examples of such journalistic unity and such mutual assistance. And in this case, there was solidarity not only of Armenian journalists, but also of Russians, Ukrainians, Azerbaijanis and Western colleagues."
This is an excerpt from an extensive article by the famous Armenian journalist Mark Grigoryan. The full text of the publication can be found at the following link:



"Vahram Aghajanyan: a powerful symbol of press freedom in the Caucasus" - American Journalism Review"

"Why does everyone love you so much?" the American journalist asked Vahram Aghajanyan. According to her, before meeting with him, she conducted a poll among representatives of the Armenian media and the expert community, and all the respondents spoke positively about the editor-in-chief of the illegally closed newspaper "Third Force Plus".
Serious passions are flaring up around the independent Armenian newspaper "Third Force Plus" ("TFP"), which was illegally closed by the efforts of the FSS of the Russian Federation and ex-President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan, which threatens to turn into a real political crisis, given the involvement of a large number of journalists in the scandal and the special geopolitical subtext of this high-profile case.
Despite all the efforts of the national security forces of Armenia and the NK, who clearly received an order personally from the head of the Armenian state and are trying to stop the spread of any information about the massacre committed by Sargsyan over the "TSP", the situation is clearly getting out of control. The case of TSP editor-in-chief Vahram Aghajanyan, recently declared a "prisoner of conscience"by Amnesty International, is increasingly attracting the attention of foreign media and human rights organizations, who openly talk about the establishment of a classic model of criminal dictatorship in Nagorno-Karabakh with elements of a real junta.
In this context, it is also worth mentioning an article by the famous American journalist Sherri Ricciardi, published in the American Journalism Review, which is almost entirely devoted to Vahram Aghajanyan and the criminal actions of the Armenian leadership in Nagorno-Karabakh.
Here is what she writes in her publication: "The only reason that made me come from the United States to Armenia and make a tedious 7-hour journey to one of the most backward regions of the former USSR - Nagorno-Karabakh, was the desire to see Vahram Aghajanyan - a journalist whose work has endeared him to thousands of people in the West and whose name has become a powerful symbol of press freedom in the Caucasus.In the dense Karabakh region, where the authorities are still guided by the mossy norms of communist despotism, the persecution of journalists and the media led to an unexpected and tragicomic ending: the massacre of Aghajanyan and the attempts of the Armenian authorities to silence the independent press had the opposite effect. A powerful international wave of protests swept the United States, Europe, and Russia, bringing together even Armenian and Azerbaijani journalists.
Moreover, the case of Vahram Aghajanyan united almost all the Armenian media, which usually compete fiercely with each other: the editors-in-chief of all the leading Armenian media reprinted Aghajanyan's articles, ironically suggesting that the Armenian and Karabakh authorities arrest them as well (the initiative of this action belongs to the editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Aravot" ("Morning") To Aram Abramyan). Wanting to break Aghajanyan, the Armenian authorities, in fact, broke themselves, " the American journalist writes.
She further notes: "When you type in the name of Vahram Aghajanyan on Google, you immediately come across dozens of publications by this journalist or many links from other authors to his articles about corruption in state structures and the merciless persecution and persecution of ordinary Karabakh people. Today, in Nagorno-Karabakh, suffering from incredible poverty and the consequences of inter-ethnic conflict, a real dictatorship has been established, which is perceived by most international observers as an authoritarian regime. An eloquent proof of this is the isolation of the journalist Vahram Aghajanyan, whom the Armenian authorities, in fact, deprived of the right to engage in their professional activities."
It should be noted that according to the latest data coming from Nagorno-Karabakh, ex-President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan, who achieved the closure of the newspaper "Third Force Plus", ordered his puppet Bako Sahakyan to start intimidating Vahram Aghajanyan and his family. The head of the NK National Security Service and the chief of the local police are charged with the actions of intimidation. At the same time, almost all the e-mail addresses of the TSP editorial office were blocked and all the newspaper's computers were disabled. In parallel, illegally and without any explanation (!), all the financial savings of the publication were withdrawn from the Moscow "Alfa-Bank". The logic of the Armenian authorities is simple - the world should not know the truth about Karabakh and the indescribable lawlessness committed there.
Vahram Aghajanyan, in fact, was deprived of all means of subsistence, the right to safe movement, medical care-in short, the right to life. But the authorities are not yet able to break the journalist, who has survived many arrests and a lot of criminal cases that failed even in the cave "courts" of Karabakh.
Moreover, Vahram Aghajanyan is preparing to make such sensational revelations of the criminal actions of the authorities that the public will be petrified with surprise and disgust not only in Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh...



French Periodical Demands Clarification On Closure of Armenian Newspaper From Russian Authorities

The closure of the Third Force Plus Newspaper facilitated by the FSS has caused an international scandal.
Le Monde Diplomatique, an influential French newspaper, has sent a special letter to the Russian embassy in Paris, calling the Russian government to stop damage to their Armenian periodical.
The Third Force Plus is the official representative of the French newspaper in Armenia. Le Monde Diplomatic has signed an agreement with the TFP on long-term cooperation. The Board of Directors of the French periodical called a special meeting to discuss the closure of the Armenian newspaper and decided to address the Russian government.
The editorial board of the TFP alleged that the FSS deputy colonel Vadim Pozdischev has misappropriated the funds of the newspaper’s international staff. However, the Russian law enforcement agencies refuse to investigate the case, breaching the legislation and not explaining such a strange behavior towards a proven crime. The strange thing is that the Russian authorities have dismissed Pozdischev from service but they are reluctant to return the money of the newspaper.
The representative of the Board of Directors of Le Monde Diplomatique Ms. Anna-Cecil Robert has expressed concerns to the Russian ambassador to France. For reasons that are not known to us Mr. Pozdischev has taken the newspaper’s bank account under total control and left our Armenian periodical of its financial resources.
The editor-in-chief and the staff of the Armenian newspaper have sent letters to Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev who recommended that the ministry of interior and the FSB investigate the case. Ms. Robert believes that the situation is serious, and the closure of the Armenian newspaper is unfair and illicit.
Le Monde Diplomatique has called the French foreign minister to influence the Russian government to make sure that damage to the Third Force is compensated within the shortest possible time. Anna-Cecil Robert informed the French foreign ministry that the inapprehensible situation continues to threaten their Armenian periodical which is unable to return its own funds.
Another scandal relating to this vociferous case is coming up. The Russian service of RFE/RL has requested the FSS to clarify the situation. Its reporter Anastasia Kirilenko has made a written inquiry but the FSS has not responded. The head of FSS Bortnikov and the Russian ambassador to Armenia Volinkin have not replied to any of the letters addressed to them, which is a violation of the legislation of Armenia.
Rumors came that the Third Force Plus’ case has caused a panic in FSS. FSS has asked the Armenian and NKR governments to silence the protest of the newspaper, and the Armenian side has promised to take measures. 


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